Thirteenth-century Persian philosopher, mystic, scholar and founder of the order of the Whirling Dervishes, Jelaluddin Rumi was also a poet of transcendental power. His inspirational verse speaks with the universal voice of the human soul and brims with exuberant energy and passion.
Its the best and will be of help in taking off your spiritual life. I just wonder if i can take so much of pleasure in reading the translation of Maulana Rumi’s (may Allah be pleased with him) poems, then how much pleasurable it would be to read his poem in persian. Maulana Rumi (may Allah be pleased with him) is the greatest poet ever for me and if you will read this book with your spiritual mind open then i am sure you will feel the same. How deep and how tolerant he is, never ever he has been harsh in the book he just guide so well his students. A true sufi master a pure genius. May Allah grant you the highest abode in the heavens.
Rumi is mindblowing. The depth and allusiveness of his poetry is matchless. Coleman Barks’ equally graceful translation makes this Penguin edition a must-have for all those who like to savour the magic of Rumi.
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